Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Spiritual Potty Training

I’ve been processing the maturity of Christians recently and came up with an analogy I think works pretty well. I was thinking about what would equate to the maturity of Christians which would be outrageous if we did this in our current society. I started to think about potty training. Maybe I’ve cared for children a little too long when I can create an entire analogy based around the excretion of body fluids, but the more I thought about it the more I saw the connection in the analogy. 

I began thinking about how infants don’t know better than to relieve themselves at any moment and any time. They have yet to gain control over themselves and find nothing wrong with making a mess of themselves. As a society we provide a socially acceptable solution to their lack of control by diapering the infant. In the same way I was thinking of non-believers who have never heard of the word of God. Not that we physically diaper them, but we realize they are going to defecate and understand how they can see no problem with this act, but want to help them. They do not see it as disgusting and not a problem - after all, this is how they were made.

Then when the individual becomes a Christian they notice the sin they have lived in and committed and become disgusted with their choices and would like to change. This is the start of potty training where the child becomes aware that when they relieve themselves it is uncomfortable and want to be changed, but are still unable to change themselves. The training begins at this stage. The child is shown the potty is the place to go in order to not make a mess of themselves. The trick now is to go to the potty BEFORE they relieve themselves. As a Christian this is where we realize what leads to sin and change the way we live to not commit sin. 

Occasionally there are accidents and fortunately for the child they have loving parents who will help them clean themselves as well as help them recognize the early signs before they have an accident. The awesome thing is our Heavenly Father is the same way. We may still have a consequence to our sin, but the Holy Spirit is here to help us learn to avoid sin and what to do with sin that is committed - take it to God and let him flush it away.

Think now of the mature Christian who is able to recognize when they have sin and what they do with it - they immediately take their sin to the toilet and flush it away by asking God for forgiveness and letting go of the sin. Once a child is potty trained the child should have fewer and fewer accidents the older the child becomes until they are fully potty trained. This is process is the same for Christians.

I began thinking about the age of when children are potty trained. I began thinking about how most children by the age of two have began potty training, usually by the age of four have very few accidents, and hopefully by age six (hopefully sooner) have mastered controlling their bowels. Imagine if there were a twenty year old who has been toilet trained, but refuses to use the toilet. This would not only be a huge societal faux pas but society members would not be as patient with them as we would with a three year old. Unfortunately there are people who never reach the spiritual potty training because they are okay with their occasional accidents, let alone don’t mind to master what needs to be done to prevent accidents.

I don’t know about you, but I sure am glad I’m physically potty trained and have fewer and fewer spiritual potty training accidents. 

Friday, August 24, 2012


As my 29th birthday approaches next month I begin to think back to when I was 12 years old and someone asked me what I thought my life would be like in 15 years. Of course my idea of living on a cruise ship traveling around the world married to a chef who would bring home wonderful dishes he'd prepared for dinner was a bit out there in dream land, but at the same time when I realistically thought about where I'd be has ended up not nearly as close as I thought it would be.

I guess that's the hardest part about growing older... the realization life will not be as perfect as we plan it to be. I think it was the movie Curly Sue where the main character tells his daughter how they can dream themselves into a million dollars and a mansion, but until they start acting it's not going to happen. It's been a while since I've seen this movie, but the point is a good one. Of course sitting around making wishes isn't going to accomplish much so getting up and acting is going to be more beneficial, but there is something else the main character in Curly Sue missed... seeking God's will.

I can think about where I wanted to be and how far away from this dream I actually am, but then I have to stop myself from feeling sorry for myself and realize where God has lead me and how I've been obedient. No matter how far from my own dream I may feel I am I know I'm right where God wants me.

When I think about my obedience to God I can't complain about where I am in life and how far away from my own plan I've ended up. I've learned I can have a plan, but when God chooses to change it I know to follow his plan. I choose to make this choice for two reasons: (1) in the end God's plan is always better than what I've planned and (2) I know I'm going to end up where God leads so I might as well go the first time I'm asked. I've read about Jonah... I know what God can do and, frankly, I don't want to spend any time inside a fish.
"Now the LORD provided a huge fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights."  
Jonah 1:17
If you've read Jonah you know Jonah ended up going where God asked, but resented the reason he was sent. This is another area where I'd like to part ways with Jonah. I'd like to recognize the ways God is using me in places I'd rather not be.