Have you ever had a time where everything that possibly could go wrong has gone wrong? Well, that's my life right now with anything technical.
As if my Cricut not working with my laptop and updating my laptop causes my programs to stop working and need the aid of Apple Care to help me (thankfully they gave me an extended warranty at no charge). Then after all that was settled my Cricut decided to break completely to the point where I have to send it in for repair, but the e-mail with the shipping label doesn't come until twice as long as they said it would.
In the meantime my car has decided to act up and after many hours of testing it's determined it's the alternator. Because you know, I have an extra few hundred dollars laying around unspoken for an alternator. I hardly use my car because of time and the fact I don't have money to shop, but I do need to get groceries and a few items from Walmart on my monthly visit. It's not until I have to either get a ride from a friend or ask a friend to jump start my car that I realize how precious getting off campus even for a few hours can be so relaxing.
While filming a video for the school talent show my camera decided to die. It was dropped three years ago and has worked fine ever since - that is until we're in the middle of filming on a time crunched day.
Well, as if that wasn't enough we had a storm pass through and cause a power outage. The day was really windy and a cold wind at that. In the evening the wind was super crazy and led to a power outage and then it started to snow. I wasn't thinking as I was getting ready for bed and didn't unplug my computer charger from the wall. By morning it was dead. I used the little battery left on my laptop to order a new one, but it won't get here for a week. In the meantime I'm learning just how much I use my laptop. No internet, no newsletter, no blog, no Pinterest, no Facebook, no music, etc.
I went to the office to use the school computer to check my e-mail. I got the shipping labels to send the Cricut in only to not be able to open the file. At this point I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry. I sent an e-mail to the IT guy to see if he could help, but I wasn't holding my breath with all the technical difficulties I have encountered lately.
Then, as the week of technical difficulties (more like month, but this week everything has come to a head) comes to an end the girls decided they just wanted to campout and watch a movie. I couldn't be more grateful - until the TV and DVD player aren't working. I tried everything I knew to get that silly thing to work, but it wouldn't work. Meanwhile I have a group of girls anxiously waiting for the movie and a swarm of ants must have been unleashed in the living room because all my girls had ants in their pants. I was about to lose it, but fortunately was able to get ahold of the IT guy who was able to come and fix the TV and DVD player and start the movie.
In the end the IT guy was able to print the labels and the Cricut will be shipped out on Monday. I was able to order a new (generic) power cord that will hopefully be here by the end of next week and in the meantime I found a coworker who also owns a Mac (which most of the campus doesn't own) and allowed me to borrow her cord for the evening to send out my newsletter and update this blog. My computer programs were updated after a week of figuring out what the problem was and Apple was able to figure it all out after a few days (which was crazy, but at this point I'm glad it was fixed without having to pay for the programs). Unfortunately my car is currently dead, but I am grateful I have friends who will let me tag along on their shopping trips. As far as my camera, well, I can't think about it right now. I have so many other things going on I'm just not going to think of the loss of my camera. The good news was we were able to use another dorm parent's camera to finish the video and now I just need the power cord to finish editing the video over spring break.
I'm learning just how much I'm dependent on technology and living in the middle of nowhere I feel like I'm more dependent on technology than I've ever been (although I'm not fully sure that's the case), but I do know not having technology puts a huge monkey wrench to my day. I would take pictures to physically show what has been going on, but my hair on the floor isn't pretty.