Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I've missed shoes

It's been a few weeks since I've posted about my healing injuries. It's a little frustrating I'm not completely healed, but I've been told this takes time. I've tried wearing regular shoes, but each time I've regretted it. The other day I was anxious to get exercising and decided to go for a walk. Five minutes later I'm limping back home rethinking my ambitious desire to get some fresh air. After a few hours my toe stopped throbbing. I thought about walking with my Frankenstein boot, but my tennis shoe sole is shorter so I limp and I'm worried about hurting my knees. Hurt my knees or my toe... I'm not sure what is the worse of the two evils. I'm hoping very soon I'll be able to wear regular shoes and I can start exercising again.

As far as my wrist, every day it seems I can bend it more and more. I'm still struggling on picking things up and holding things with any sort of weight to them. I did notice the other day I held my cell phone in my left hand and it didn't hurt. That was an exciting moment for me. It's sad something as light as a cell phone could be such an accomplishment! I also tried sleeping without the brace, but like wearing shoes it was a little ambitious of me to do so. Apparently I move a lot in my sleep with a lot of clinched fists (Let me just take a moment right now and apologize to my future husband). Needless to say I'll wait on no brace while sleeping for at least another week. 

Here's an interesting fact: I have a patch of black hair growing on my wrist/arm. At first I thought all the hair on my arm was black because it hasn't seen the light of day in eight weeks, but when examining my arm closer I realized it's a patch about 2 inches in diameter. I started plucking the black hairs, but then realized I'd then have a 2 inch diameter hairless patch on my arm... I stopped when I came to my senses. 

This past week tried my hand at editing a video. My sister and niece asked how I painted my nails in a plaid pattern. I tried explaining over the phone, but they asked for a video. I knew this would be an hour long video unless I edited it down. I think I did a pretty good job for having no clue what I was doing. Now if only I could figure out how to post it here and I'd be set. I'm bummed I can't figure it out. I'm really proud of my first edited video. Maybe another day when I have more time I'll see if I can figure it out. Until then I'm going to dream of exercising without pain in normal shoes.

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