Monday, March 3, 2014

March Already... here's 24 facts

It's March? What happened to this year. It seemed like it was just yesterday I was at my sister's ringing in the new year by going to bed early only to be woken up by her neighbors screaming and yelling for an hour. Fascinating new year's eve plans, right?

As if it wasn't enough to already be March, it's the third of March and did I remember to take three pictures of the day to blog about... of course not. I was debating on snapping three pictures quickly and quietly as the girls are already in bed, but as I looked around at the loads of laundry I caught up on after being sick this weekend, the bulletin board letters I cut out with the Cricut, the 24 tights I have hung from the 6 loads of laundry I did earlier (did I mention I was sick and didn't do ANY laundry this weekend including my three loads that needed to be done for the past month because I'm constantly doing the girl's laundry and let mine go until it's absolute necessity for my laundry to be done. It's sad how much clothes I have really.) or I could turn on the hall light and take a picture of the hall that is now clean and talk about how it looked as though the girl's rooms exploded as they changed rooms this afternoon. I realized it's too late to take pictures and all I'd do is complain about being sick this weekend and playing catch-up today.

Instead I figured I'd share some interesting facts about myself. Let's go with 24 interesting facts... after all I just washed 24 tights and although I still have 27 pair in my dresser drawer I'll go with the 24 I have hanging in the doorway drying.

  1. I own 51 pair of tights. I wear a pair every day it's cool enough to wear them (which means in the summer I don't wear them, but might wear the footless tights if I'm going out in the evening). 
  2. I don't like to wear pants. I could go count how many skirts and dresses I own, but that would be weird, wouldn't it? But, for the sake of a number let's just say that if I own 51 pair of tights I own at least half that number in skirts and dresses.
  3. I color coordinate my skirts, dresses and tights. I have special cascading hangers, so each row of skirts are by color (white, pink/red, yellow/green, blue, brown, gray/black). My tights are folded and sorted by footless/regular and then by ROYGBV(brown/black) in my dresser drawer. 
  4. I make schedules only so I know if I'm off schedule. 
  5. I hate taking out the trash. 
  6. I don't like being dirty or messy.
  7. I own almost all of the Shirley Temple movies and will watch all of them at least once a year. My favorite is either Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm or Stowaway - I go back and forth each time I watch them. My least favorite is Blue Bird. 
  8. I just recently bought the first two seasons of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman. As a child when they first aired I watched every episode on the night they aired. I don't know when I missed the first episode, but I remember I missed it to watch a movie in the theater. I believe the movie we saw was either The Sandlot or 101 Dalmatians. 
  9. My younger sister and I have decided that every 3 years we're going to watch every season of How I Met Your Mother. Although she is much better with references to the show I enjoy a good HIMYM reference. I even bought her a ducky tie for Christmas to wear during our HIMYM marathon. 
  10. I'd like to own a pair of red boots to wear for the HIMYM marathon every 3 years.
  11. Although I've just mentioned four facts about movies and TV shows, I really don't like watching TV. Sure I enjoy a good game show (old game shows on GSN are the best), but it's more of a background noise as I fall asleep for a nap. 
  12. I'm a vegetarian and although I'm not sure I'll always stay a vegetarian the thought of eating meat makes me gag a little. I don't like the smell of flesh cooking, but will cook it for others.
  13. I love veggie chick'n nuggets and veggie corn dogs - both are the best with ketchup and mustard.
  14. Every since I was little I've had a thing for Alice in Wonderland. With the name of Alice and my family being big Disney fans it was only natural I'd like Alice in Wonderland characters.
  15. Although I like Alice in Wonderland characters I've always thought the movie was weird. 
  16. I don't like scary movies. I don't like the way my stomach gets turned into knots and my heart races. I'll watch scary movies if I have a hand to hold. Oh, and by scary movies it's anything with suspense (remember earlier how I mentioned I just recently got the first two seasons of Dr. Quinn? There were a few episodes where I had to turn it off and then turned it back on in segments because I was too scared - the KKK episode and the one where Dr. Mike was kidnapped by the dog soldiers are two that come to mind... and I skipped the Halloween episode completely). 
  17. I don't mind cooking, but I'd rather cook than clean. Which is a perfect set up as the older girl's dorm mom would rather clean than cook. Stay here weekends are smooth sailing with us doing what we don't mind as the other does what we'd rather not be doing. 
  18. I like surprises, but I don't like waiting for them. If someone says they have a surprise for me I'd like the surprise to come within the next 20 minutes.
  19. Although it is the weirdest thing to look out my window and see the llama, sheep and goat I think I'm going to miss them if I ever move.
  20. I miss the beach even though I don't like the sand, sun or ocean. What do I miss... the view, the ocean breeze, the sounds. I love how the reflection of the moon on the ocean looks as though there was a bottle of glitter spilled out over the waves. 
  21. Twenty four facts are easy to come up with... it's the interesting part I'm struggling with right about now. I hope you haven't noticed and found this to be a bore.
  22. When I was younger I had constant ear infections. If it wasn't one ear it was the other and often it was both ears at one time. Learning to speak with constant ear infections gave me a speech disorder. I had a friend named Joseph, but pronounced his name as Jo-fus. My spelling was not much better than my speech. I was always at the bottom of the reading groups and I hated to read. My second grade teacher told me I was stupid and would never learn (ridiculous, right?). That summer my mom spent the summer working with me and my speech improved (She's a trained ESL teacher and used her skills to help me form my mouth to make correct sounds). Once I was able to understand the letters and the proper sounds they make I went from being in the bottom reading group to the top reading group after just one summer. I still struggle with some sounds, but I talk fast so no one knows I can't pronounce certain sounds (I would note the sounds, but I don't want people seeking out the sounds I still struggle with today).  
  23. It took me ten years to complete my bachelors degree. I went to four schools in two states. Although the student loan that accumulated over the years is not pleasant I wouldn't trade the memories and life experiences for anything... well, maybe that hefty student loan.
  24. Every time I reflect on my life I think how crazy my life is and the adventure it has been to get to this point in time. However, I wouldn't change a thing. The mistakes I've made have made me stronger and wiser. The life experiences I've gone through have done just the same. Sure there are a few things I wish I noticed earlier, but the timing wouldn't be right. I'd be too immature to move on to the next life event or I'd miss out on the way things have worked out to bring me right where I am at any part of my life. I get excited to think of what more I will experience and I'm all the more excited for who I get to experience it with. Life isn't about what I do, but who's along for the ride and who is impacted. 
Well, there you have it 24 random facts in a very random order. I'll try to remember the pictures in April... oh my this school year is flying by! Thanks for coming along for the ride - I hope you were positively impacted. ;)

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