This was me attempting to give my mom two thumbs up in my old cast, but I didn't quite make it.
It is very difficult to remain positive right now.
I had a doctor's appointment yesterday. I knew they were removing the cast to re-x-ray and I was hoping they wouldn't have to put on a new cast, but maybe a brace for the sprain/strain. I was hoping for no broken bones. What I was not ready to hear was the news my wrist is worse than they thought and I need an MRI to tell if something is torn. Then the big news came - the next step is to talk to a surgeon about the results and a possible surgery.
Yesterday the bad day didn't just follow me. Gina had come to take me to school since my mom was uncomfortable driving me the hour in traffic to school (which because of the pain of moving my wrist for the exam and the emotional stress of a possible surgery I ended up not going to class). When we left the doctor's office we decided to go to lunch (more like dinner - gotta love long doctor's visits). My mom (in my car with me) was suppose to follow Gina, but went out first and didn't have a chance to let Gina pass us. While waiting for a red light my mom was trying to calm me down because I was still crying because of the bad news I had just received when we hear a loud screech and a bang.
The light had just changed to green, but the traffic hadn't started to move. Apparently the guy behind Gina only noticed the light and not the half a dozen cars in front of him. Gina has whiplash and should be okay, but will be sore for a while. My mom's car (that Gina and my mom share) has a crunched in bumper.
Needless to say we were all frazzled when we got to the restaurant.
The only good part of my day was the hottie who re-casted my arm. While Mr. Hottie was getting the supplies for my cast he asked what color I'd like. I told him purple. A few minutes later when he confirmed I wanted purple I responded with, "Yes, please." He was taken aback by my politeness and went on for a good five minutes telling my mom how nice it is to hear the word please and how the kids these days just aren't polite and will just bark orders. At this point I'm focusing on not crying because of the pain and the news of possible surgery I don't realize he thinks I'm a teenager. When I mention missing class he asked where I go to school. I tell him and he's surprised I'm at a university. He then asks how old I am and I say I'm turning 28 on Sunday (which I had to look to my mom for confirmation because I wasn't sure what day it was!). He then asks how old I think he is and I wanted to say something like, "probably in my age range," but was not only embarrassed, but not really feeling up to any guessing games. My mom pipes up and says, "I'd guess mid 30's." He says, "Nah, I'm 53." My mom says, "Well, since we're playing the age game guess mine." He guesses 55 and she says, "63" with a smile on her face as if she's won a game. He then admits he's 35.
While he finishes with my cast he tells me how this new cast prevents me from moving my wrist at all. He had to wrap past my elbow and then cut out parts for the "wings." I was not happy I not only have a cast back on, but it is a lot bigger. I am grateful I can move my elbow. That's one positive thing to all this.
Here is the new, larger, cast Mr. Hottie put on.
Because of the wings holding my elbow I can't rotate my lower arm.
Occasionally I'll make a video for my sister who is out of state, but this one was taking forever to upload to send to her so I made her another video on the networking site. Here's the video incase you'd like to see what I can do with my new cast. You can ignore the other rambling if you'd like. I was just updating her on my hair since I shaved my head last Christmas in support of my mom's breast cancer (which she is now cancer free! Thank you God!)
I'm not sure why the sound is off from the video, but you can still see the restrictive movement.
With my old cast I had figured out how to do a lot of things by myself. With the new cast I have to relearn how to do some things. This next picture is an example of something I could do, but I'd have to figure out a new way because of the more restrictive cast (my thumb is more restrictive and it hurts to pinch my thumb to my pointer finger).
Here are my painted nails I did myself with a casted left arm (the camera is backward on my laptop).
My nails are clear with two silver stripes going one way and three red glitter stripes going the other way.
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