Monday, September 26, 2011

Oh Happy Day!

Today was a big day. I found out the results of the MRI of my wrist and had my interview with MeySen on Skype. What I was not expecting was another miracle from God.

Since the tsunami in Japan earlier this year I’ve tried to get in contact with people I know in Japan. I sent e-mails and letters to those I had their information, but I lost contact with those at the church I stayed at in Mito City. I contacted others from the San Diego team and they also lost contact. One day I remembered I had an e-mail address for a woman and her three children. I couldn’t remember her name, but have the name of her three children on the origami gifts they gave me. I wasn’t sure if the e-mail was still valid, but took a chance. I waited for a response and didn’t receive anything, but could have accidentally deleted it in my spam folder. Months go by and I’m pretty sure there is no hope to gaining contact. 
While on Facebook I see a suggested friend with a Japanese name. I don’t recognize the name and the profile picture is a drawing. I then look for someone in common as a friend, but I don’t recognize any of her friends. I look at the schools or anything else Facebook would use to connect people. Nothing is the same. I have no idea why Facebook suggested us as friends, but I request her as a friend and figured why not make a new friend. 
A few days later the friendship is accepted and her children are now listed (she’s new to Facebook and doesn’t have much information posted). I recognize the names of her children! I think this is the same lady I met in Japan three years ago! I asked if she went to the church I stayed at and she said yes and remembers me! I’m still amazed at this whole story. I have no clue why Facebook would suggest us to be friends and here this is the same woman I’ve been looking for! If this isn’t God working I’m not sure what is!
Now, for my doctor’s appointment. I’ve been waiting five weeks to hear what is going on with my wrist! I’ve tried to be patient, but have had many not so patient moments. When I got to the office the lady at the front desk said she didn’t have the right x-ray. I began to worry thinking the MRI results hadn’t come in and I’d have to wait longer. Then she asked about my toe and the appointment for that. I told her I didn’t have an appointment for my toe and nothing more was said since the first appointment. She then said they could see me for my toe today. I thought she was saying my wrist was not going to be seen, but just my toe. I began to panic and think how I’ve waited so long and I have to wait longer! Then she clarified what she was saying and said the MRI results are in, but they’d like x-rays of my toe to see if it has healed. Once I calmed down from my “oh my, please don’t make me wait longer” panic and realized they wanted to check everything I was good to go. 
Once I got the x-rays and was in the room I was nervous for what I was about to hear. My mind was going all over the place from surgery to recovery to what these things would entail. When the doctor came in he barely greets me before saying, “Everything looks good.” He then went on to say there are two places he was concerned about, but nothing that would need surgery. In the area they were concerned about there was nothing he could see, but said there might be a small tear that they would need to take a camera and go in and check it out like a little surgery to clarify there is a tear; the therapy would be the same as if they didn’t do this surgery so we opted to just let it be. I’m now in a brace and still can’t use my hand for the next two weeks, but can gradually use my hand, but use pain as a guide. He also pointed out the position of a bone and commented on the way it was not equally apart from the other bones. He thinks this is from an old injury, but nothing to worry about. The only other injury I can think of is when I crochet my wrist hurts, but I don’t know if it is a bone not in the right place equally apart from the bones around it, but in the end all is good. Basically I’m not supposed to rotate my wrist and not lift anything over five pounds - if that much is even tolerable. As far as my toe I’m supposed to keep wearing the boot out and about, but can start wearing shoes when I feel comfortable (probably in two weeks). 
As far as my interview I’ll find out about that in November, but I think it went well. Of course I’m thinking of things I could have added or phrased differently, but I always think things like that. I think I said what I needed and answered the questions to the best of my ability. When they asked about my wrist I told them I was fighting ninja elephants... but then told them I fell down the stairs. I’m thinking joking may not have been the best thing, but they did laugh and it wasn’t a real interview question but more like oh man what happened? I’m hoping they understood what I was trying to say and got a good sense of who I am and why I’d be awesome to work at MeySen.
Then as if this wasn’t enough to call today a happy day I got a check for the work I did for the state testing. Whoo hoo! Check in the mail. Interview done. Great injury results. Friend found on Facebook. Sounds like a happy day that will keep me smiling!


  1. so excited for all your happy day moments!

  2. Thank you! I was just hoping for no more bad news. I was so overwhelmed with good and great news!
