Saturday, August 17, 2013

For Such A Time As This

I knew God was going to use me at this school, but I wasn't sure how or why I needed to be here. All I knew is God guided and I followed. I was called and I obeyed. 

This past week was a particularly tough week. There were many tears and many consequences for bad choices. This past week there were a few times I thought, "Why am I here? Am I really making a difference with these girls?" I just kept going day by day, moment my moment doing what I needed to do. 

Our typical nights include the girls taking showers and getting ready for bed, have our devotions (Jesus Calling for kids and an Alice in Bibleland book) together. After our devotions I send the kids to bed and pray with the girls room by room. It's the sweetest part of the day because it's as close as I get to one on one with the girls, not to mention we get to spend that time talking with God. 

Well, Tuesday night as I'm trying to get all the girls in bed and stay there I find a group of girls in the hall huddled together crying. They had talked about being homesick and asked me how many more days until they get to go home for the weekend. I went to the hall and was tackled with crying girls. I stood in the hall with these girls crying on me. I prayed with them and comforted them doing my best to stretch my short arms around this tangled mound of homesick little girls. After a while I realized they could all stand there all night, so I needed to send them to bed. After I got them to bed and prayed with them I looked down at my shirt and noticed all the snot and tear stains. If this wasn't a mom moment I'm not sure what would be. My heart breaks for these girls and their homesickness and if I have to be covered in snot and tear stains then so be it. I'm here for such a time as this.

Wednesday night some of the older girls started to talk about seeing scary things in the dorm. I tried to stop the fear with prayer, but the girls were worked up. I knew the older girls needed to share with me how they felt and what they saw, but I couldn't get them to be quiet and wait until the little ones were in bed. Next thing I knew I had 10 little girls scared to go to bed. I tried to pray with them to ask God to help calm them. By this time I was frustrated and just wanted to yell at them there was nothing to be afraid of and go to bed, but I knew that wasn't the way I needed to respond. I just told the girls I'd pray with the girls who were in bed. I then left the girls hanging out in the hall refusing to go to bed. I went in to pray with the girls following my directions. While I was talking to them before they go to bed the older of the two started crying saying she was scared. I scooped her up and held her tight and told her there was nothing to be afraid of because we already prayed for God's protection. She then asked me how Jesus can be in her heart. I talked to her about how we are all born sinners and Jesus died on the cross for our sins so we can go to Heaven and be with God. I then explained all we have to do is ask Jesus to come in our heart by praying and asking Him. I asked if she wanted to pray and ask Jesus in her heart. She said yes and at the same time I hear the younger one say, "I want Jesus in my heart, too!" So we prayed. When I opened my eyes I noticed the girls from the hall were in the room asking if they can ask Jesus in their heart.

I explained to them what this means and asked if they understood what they were asking. By the time I was finished talking with them I realized the first girl went and got the others out of bed and brought them in. I asked her why she did this and she said, "Because they need to do this too!" I explained to her we can't force people to ask Jesus in their heart and this has to be a decision people make on their own. I then hear 8 little girls say, "But, Miss Alice, we want Jesus in our hearts!" I prayed with the girls and thought this evening, although an hour after bed time, would be a lot smoother. 

I was wrong. I sent the girls to bed where the older girls started freaking out and not going into their room. This caused the little ones to be afraid of going into their rooms. I called my supervisor to come and help because at this point I wasn't sure what to do. I tried to tell the girls there was nothing to be afraid of and to just say to the scary things, "In Jesus name go away!" I explained the power in Jesus' name, but they were so worked up they were unable to calm themselves down. I was constantly praying and asking God for help in calming these girls down and getting them to bed. I had more than half of the girls in their rooms and almost in bed when I hear the older girls scream a blood curdling scream while running down the hall toward me with fear only to land in my arms shivering like I've never seen someone so scared. This of course gets all the girls up and I'm wondering what was going on. I then realized I had called my supervisor and he was coming into my apartment to help. 

I showed the girls it was just my supervisor (who they all know) and there was nothing to be afraid of. He then helped me by taking the older girls and talking with them and giving my Bibles and Alice in Bibleland books to hold and look through. He then has them lay down on my couches while I put the other girls to bed. I had one little one who was so worked up we had to call the other dorm mom to come and take her over to her side for a while. Once the older girls were asleep on my couch and we prayed over the girls again I was left with seven girls in bed and three sleeping girls who needed to get into bed. I went over to the other side and picked up the 2nd grader (who is almost as tall as I am) and carried her back to bed. I went in to the 5th graders and realized there was no way I was going to be able to carry these girls. I prayed and asked God to not let them be scared as I woke them up to go to bed. When I woke them up to go back to bed they asked if they could take my stuffed animals they found in my living room and were snuggling with back to bed. I told them they could and with their arms full of stuffed animals, Alice in Bibleland books and a Bible they went off to bed. 

Two and a half hours after bed time I crawled into bed exhausted and realized even though there was a crazy, crazy night I was here for such a time as this to lead these girls to Christ. 

I know my work here is not done, but I see the fruit of my obedience. God is so good! When I feel I can't do this any more he gives me something to say, "You're doing exactly what I want you to do." 

The girls are homesick and feeling alone (even with 10 other people in the dorm). They have a busy schedule and often are mad at me for keeping them on schedule, but then I get things like this left on my desk as they go home for the weekend and I realize it's all worth it. I'm here for such a time as this.

The note says:
Fm. *** 
To: Ms Alice
some(thing) to make u remember me over the weekend
:) ****

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