Sunday, August 4, 2013

Three on the Third: August

So, my brilliant idea (actually copied from someone else) was to take three pictures of the things I did on the third of every month. This way I have something to post on my blog. Things didn't go as planned. Actually, considering it's 12:30 at night I'd say things haven't really gone as planned pretty much at all.

My plan today was to finish getting the dorm set for the girls who come in three days - including making their beds, putting the games and books in their living room and finnish decorating the hall. I also had a few other things to do like prepare for a skit I'm performing with some other staff members on Tuesday and preparing to lead worship on Monday (which really is more like worship for the kids that aren't coming until Tuesday evening rather than the adults). I also wanted to get my first edition of my newsletter out (if you'd like to be on my e-mail list send me your e-mail).

Instead of rapidly checking things off my list I talked to most of my family members for a few hours this morning. I don't know what happened to the time except to agree with the old saying of time flies when you're having fun!

I then was invited to go out in the evening, but I didn't really want to go and would rather have stayed in to finish my list of things to do. But, I was specifically asked to go and I'm still in the stage of getting to know everyone, so I agreed to go. While out for ice cream I was invited to a game night. Of course I again didn't want to go, but agreed on the condition I could get a few more things finished before I could go out again.

Looking at my list of things to do I got a lot done and spent some time with new friends, but the dorms are a little away from being ready for the girls. I know these next few days are going to be busy, but some how, some way I'm going to have to figure out how to get everything finished.

Hopefully September 3rd I'll have more pictures to post... after all, it will be my last day in my 20's (I'm still not sure how I feel about turning 30!).

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