It's been a few weeks since I've last posted to my blog. I was a bit busy finishing up my last semester of college. This semester was quite the crazy semester, but looking back on previous semesters they all have been quite crazy. I should just consider this level of "crazy" as the new "normal" since I haven't had a "normal" period in quite a long time! This past semester my school work was put on hold due to the fact I only had one hand to type assignments. If you haven't read the posts about those you should consider going back and reading them. Although before reading the previous posts I would caution you to the fact I'm a whiner when I'm injured and there were a few I was quite drugged while writing - which someone should have monitored those posts. Anyhow, I'm better now and even crocheted for the first time since my arm was casted for 6 weeks. My wrist was the longest to heal after falling down the stairs and typing with two hands has been a slow recovery, but I've made it through and can type just as fast as ever.
Regardless of the many assignments turned in late I am proud of my grades this semester. I got an A in my Old Testament class, B in my history class, B- in my biology class (which I have NO idea how I pulled that off except to say, "good job me on the lab reports"), and a C+ in my English Literature class. I'm a little disappointed in my English Lit grade, but by the time I was able to even attempt to catch up it was the last month of school. There was a point where I wasn't sure if I'd pass that class, but I have and it is finished so I can't complain.
I've been asked a lot about what I'm going to do now that I'm finished with school. My original plan was to go to Japan to teach English, but since I wasn't accepted to the program that is put on hold for at least a year (or maybe longer, I'm not sure yet). I'm not sure what God has planned for me, so in the meantime I'll just keep listening and following where he leads. Actually, what happened a few weeks ago is quite awesome!
I was studying for my finals and I got a call from a man at my church. He asked me how volunteering in the office has been going and I told him great. He asked if I'd like a job working part-time as the church secretary. I told him since I'm not doing anything else that would be great. To make a long story short there was some talk about me taking this position before it was offered to me and everyone was giving me a high recommendation. I didn't know this until after I accepted the job and was telling people I will be the new secretary in January and person after person said, "Oh, I know. I gave you a good recommendation." I was a bit overwhelmed with the love people have poured out over me. I can't explain how loved I feel to know so many have so many nice things to say about me.
I love how I went from the excitement of following what I thought God wanted me to, to the disappointment of God having something else in mind (think along the lines of Abraham preparing to sacrifice Isaac on the mountain and God providing a ram, but I had no ram), to God providing a ram in the secretary position at my church! Sure I'm still disappointed about not going to Japan this next year, but I know God has a plan.
I know I'm disappointed in not going to Japan, but after I found out a good friend of mine has just been diagnosed with cancer for the second time I now understand why she was saying God needed me here this year. I couldn't see it before, but I know she's going to need support and I'm glad I'll be here to help her in any way - even if it's to shave my head for the second time (the first was when my mom had breast cancer).
So, as I close the book on college life and begin writing the book on the next stage in life I know one thing... I'm not going to leave God out of going ahead of me and showing me where to go and what to do.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Trans Cultual Kids
As a sociology major I'm interested in the way people relate to society. After reading a Facebook post from a friend who is a missionary in a small village half way around the world who is coming "home" later this year I was wondering how easy it will be for her four children to adapt to this culture they are familiar with, yet it is so foreign to them. I wanted to check out some statistics and although Wikipedia is not the most scholastic source, it does give a general idea. While reading through the Trans Cultural Kid's article I realized... dude, this describes me (minus the language part)! Who knew I was a trans cultural kid???
My response to each statistic is in parenthesis and bolded. Everything else is straight from Wikipedia.
Statistics (U.S. TCKs)
Research has been done on American TCKs to identify various characteristics:[10][17][18]
- 90% feel "out of sync" with their peers.[19] (I'm not sure if this is the same out of sync as a MK would feel, but there are times I don't feel like I "fit in" with those of my same age)
- 90% report feeling as if they understand other people and cultural groups better than the average American.[20] (I do have a wider sense for other people and cultures, thus the reason I chose sociology as my major)
- 80% believe they can get along with anybody, and they often do, due to their sociocultural adaptability.[20] (I do get along with anybody.)
- Divorce rates among TCKs are lower than the general population, but TCKs marry at an older age (25+).[21][22] (Divorce rate... that's a good thing. Marriage at an older age.... well I am in the 25+ range now)
- More welcoming of others into their community.[18] (The more the merrier!)
- Lack a sense of "where home is", but are often nationalistic.[18][20] (Well, I do consider OC my home, but I'm totally cool with moving to another country and never returning to the US. I'm just waiting to see what God wants as far as where I'll be going)
[edit]Cognitive and emotional development
- Teenage TCKs are more mature than non-TCKs, but in their twenties take longer than their peers to focus their aims.[19] (What? You mean being in advance classes and told you're a mature teenager doesn't mean that you'll take 10.5 years to get your bachelors degree? I thought that's how it was suppose to be!?!)
- Depression is comparatively prevalent among TCKs.[19] (Could this be due to the fact it takes so long to "focus their aims?")
- TCKs' sense of identity and well-being is directly and negatively affected by repatriation.[23] (I don't have experience with this... but shoot I'm surprised since everything else seems to be describing me!)
- TCKs are highly linguistically adept (not as true for military TCKs).[21] (oh, well, maybe I'm not as much of a TCK as it seems)
- A study whose subjects were all "career military brats"—those who had a parent in the military from birth through high school—shows that brats are linguistically adept.[24] (but maybe my parents were secret military people for part of my childhood???)
- Like all children, TCKs may experience stress and even grief from the relocation experience.[25][26] (And this is where the comparison stops.)
[edit]Education and career
- TCKs are 4 times as likely as non-TCKs to earn a bachelor's degree (81% vs 21%)[27] (Check!!!)
- 40% earn an advanced degree (as compared to 5% of the non-TCK population.)[21] (Um, no thanks)
- 45% of TCKs attended three universities before attaining a degree.[21] (What, you mean it's NOT normal to attend three universities and one junior college?)
- 44% earned undergraduate degree after the age of 22.[21] (HA HA HA HA... and we thought the comparison had ended!)
- Education, medicine, business management, self-employment, and highly-skilled positions are the most common professions for TCKs.[21] (Well, I'm still not quite sure what I'll be doing, but apparently I should look into these careers)
- TCKs are unlikely to work for big business, government, or follow their parents' career choices. "One won't find many TCKs in large corporations. Nor are there many in government ... they have not followed in parental footsteps".[21] (Well, that's for sure! Even though many with my degree go to work for the government I'm hesitant and I'm not fully sure why... apparently it's because I was secretly a TCK)
Obviously in any study one can find themselves in what ever it is they are studying, but it just made me laugh at the "later in life" stuff. It reminds me of when I was taking my abnormal psychology class... I was convinced I had schizophrenia for half of the semester! Funny how after that class all my symptoms of schizophrenia went away... let alone the fact that I’ve past the age where schizophrenia first occurs in women so it would have shown up earlier in my life not just during this class! Anyhow, I found this funny and interesting and thought I’d share.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
The Gideon Test
Judges 6:36-40
Then Gideon said to God, "You said you would help me save Israel. I will put some wool on the threshing floor. If there is dew only on the wool but all of the ground is dry, then I will know that you will use me to save Israel, as you said." And that is just what happened. When Gideon got up early the next morning and squeezed the wool, he got a full bowl of water from it.
Then Gideon said to God, "Don't be angry with me if I ask just one more thing. Please let me make one more test. Let only the wool be dry while the ground around it gets wet with dew." That night God did that very thing. Just the wool was dry, but the ground around it was wet with dew.
My sister told me about the Gideon test a friend of her's has for his future spouse. I think this is a great idea! Rather than wondering who the right girl is he has three things he's looking for as signs she's "the one" when he meets here and gets to know her. I think this is a great idea! Why not ask God for clear signs of a future spouse?
I have a list (ABC's of Love posted on my FB account) and that's great and all, but at the same time I hate that feeling of meeting a guy and for a split second having the thought wondering if he could be OTIS (Out There In Someplace). I feel like I'm wasting my time with that and then going through my ABC list and trying to see if he has these qualities, but with the Gideon test I would clearly know! I feel by going through the ABC list right away I try to fit any guy into that list and that's not what it's all about. I like the idea of the Gideon test because it allows me to not go straight to the ABC list and just get to know a friend first rather than seeing where he measures on the ABC list. With the Gideon test God will clearly give me a sign when I meet OTIS.
Like my sister's friend I won't tell anyone what the Gideon test things are (to prevent someone from trying to fulfill the Gideon test - not to mention a friend might be a part of the Gideon test), but I've prayed over one thing and have one so far. I don't know if I'll have more than one Gideon test, but for now I have one.
Just to give you an idea of what an example would be think of Abraham's servant at the well who asked for a sign of a women who would water the camels as well as get him water. The test is specific, but mine is not super odd like asking for water for my camels... because my camels are a special breed of camels who have a continuous supply of water in their humps and don't need to be watered. Then again, he could ask to put gas in my car... if only I could figure out how to make my car like my continuous water supply camels.
Monday, November 14, 2011
I heard back from MeySen...
I just got an e-mail today from MeySen.
I didn't get the job. My heart is so sad. I have no other words to describe how I feel in this moment.
I do know God has a plan and apparently MeySen is not in that plan right now. I know the question I'm going to be asked a lot is, "What are you going to do now?" As of right now my answer is, "Trust God."
I have no other option.
I didn't get the job. My heart is so sad. I have no other words to describe how I feel in this moment.
I do know God has a plan and apparently MeySen is not in that plan right now. I know the question I'm going to be asked a lot is, "What are you going to do now?" As of right now my answer is, "Trust God."
I have no other option.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
He Leadeth Me: Oh blessed thought!
I'll often have a song I haven't heard in a long while come to mind and the lyrics are so fitting for the time it comes to mind. I'm sure I'm not the only one who does this, but the latest song is an old hymn "He Leadeth Me." Usually it's a more contemporary song, but I figured I'd take a moment and read the lyrics and not just sing along with my iPod since there is such vintage language in this hymn. Here's the lyrics for those who aren't familiar with this hymn, or haven't heard it in a while:
After reading through the lyrics I was reminded being a faithful follower you have to allow God to lead if you are in Eden's beautiful garden or still waters as well as in deepest gloom or a troubled sea.
Lately I've been in a period of waiting. Life seems to be up in the air as to what is going to happen, but the one thing I know for sure is my hand is in God's hand ready for him to lead. I haven't always realized God's plan is far better than anything I could ever plan, but though these past few years I've learned to trust God and give him my hand and I've seen that although I don't know what God's plan is going to be the next step he's given (one step at a time) has been far greater than I could have ever imagined.
I will be honest, waiting is not easy. I'm a planner, I like to know what could happen in multiple scenarios. Even though God has allowed to see some things where I'm being led (I'm suppose to go to Japan, but when and how is what I'm waiting to find out and OTIS is out there in someplace, but who he is and when I meet him is another question) waiting is still not easy. Even when I know what is coming just not how or when it is still hard to wait... actually it might even make waiting harder because it's a light at the end of the tunnel, but who knows how much of the tunnel I have left to go through. It's in times of the unknown waiting I remind myself of how faithful God has been in leading me and trust he will continue to lead. So while I wait I will not complain or worry, because his faithful follower I would be, for by his hand he leadeth me.
He leadeth me: Oh blessed thought!
Oh words with heavenly comfort fraught!
Whate'er I do, Where'er I be,
still 'tis God's hand that leadeth me.
He leadeth me, he leadeth me,
by his own hand he leadeth me;
his faithful follower I would be,
for by his hand he leadeth me.
Sometimes mid scenes of deepest gloom,
sometimes where Eden's bowers bloom,
by waters still, o'er troubled sea,
still 'tis his hand that leadeth me.
Lord, I would place my hand in thine,
nor ever murmur nor repine;
content, whatever lot I see,
since 'tis my God that leadeth me.
And when my task on earth is done,
when by thy grace the victory's won,
e'en death's cold wave I will not flee,
since God through Jordan leadeth me.
After reading through the lyrics I was reminded being a faithful follower you have to allow God to lead if you are in Eden's beautiful garden or still waters as well as in deepest gloom or a troubled sea.
Lately I've been in a period of waiting. Life seems to be up in the air as to what is going to happen, but the one thing I know for sure is my hand is in God's hand ready for him to lead. I haven't always realized God's plan is far better than anything I could ever plan, but though these past few years I've learned to trust God and give him my hand and I've seen that although I don't know what God's plan is going to be the next step he's given (one step at a time) has been far greater than I could have ever imagined.
I will be honest, waiting is not easy. I'm a planner, I like to know what could happen in multiple scenarios. Even though God has allowed to see some things where I'm being led (I'm suppose to go to Japan, but when and how is what I'm waiting to find out and OTIS is out there in someplace, but who he is and when I meet him is another question) waiting is still not easy. Even when I know what is coming just not how or when it is still hard to wait... actually it might even make waiting harder because it's a light at the end of the tunnel, but who knows how much of the tunnel I have left to go through. It's in times of the unknown waiting I remind myself of how faithful God has been in leading me and trust he will continue to lead. So while I wait I will not complain or worry, because his faithful follower I would be, for by his hand he leadeth me.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Bucking Horses
After going to a rodeo with friends last Saturday I came up with this analogy and wanted to share it with the hope anyone who reads it will understand we serve a God who wants the best for us. I am not a horse trainer, nor do I know technical terms or the exact way horses are trained, but after listening to a friend describe some of what happens I came up with this analogy.
Horses all start out with training for temperament and ability. Some horses are recognized very early on as having good temperament and easy to train. These horses are then trained to do whatever the handler wants them to do and they respond and learn what they are supposed to do. Then there are those horses who will respond with a little more work and motivation. These horses need a little more time and at times will need to be taken by the bridle and walked through where they need to go, but overall will learn to do what they’ve been asked. Then there are the stubborn horses who fight anything and everything. They have their own way and won’t listen to anyone - no matter how much force is used. These horses are then sent into the bucking horse circuit.
These bucking horses are then used for what they are good at - bucking and being wild. Unfortunately though, it’s not like their bucking and being wild is all natural at this point. To ensure the horse will buck, a strap is placed uncomfortably close to the genitals and made to be extremely uncomfortable. The bucking horse is now being forced to do something they might not want to do at that moment, not to mention this way is a lot more uncomfortable than if the were to just obey when they were first being trained.
Watching these bucking horses I noticed the real wild ones who had bucked off their rider would continue to think they could release their discomfort on their own and didn’t realize when another horse and cowboy came near the strap would be released. The bucking horse would try to escape the other horse and cowboy too stubborn to realize they were there to help and ease the discomfort.
Not all of the bucking horses were like this though, some realized after they bucked off their rider and the other horse with the cowboy came near they’d stop bucking as wildly and seemed to allow the horse and cowboy to do their job knowing the discomfort would soon be relieved. I’d like to think these horses have learned their way might not have been the best, but now know what they need to do to ease the discomfort by allowing the horse and cowboy to come along side them.
Here is my analogy of how God uses his children: Some children are called and respond quickly and learn early on what they need to do and do just that. Some children are called and need a little coaching, but eventually catch on and do what they need to do and do just that. Then there are those children who are called, but think they can do it on their own. They are wild and buck at anything who tries to control them. They think they are going to do their own thing, but in reality are controlled by the very thing they think they have control over only to realize this only causes more discomfort. Some children at this point realize the help when it comes along and sadly some don’t and continue to think they are still in control and can do it on their own.
God is that cowboy who uses the trained horse who will obey and follow directions no matter what the circumstance looks like - even if it is riding alongside a bucking horse who can injure anyone who comes near. The difference between these two horses is God is on the trained horse who is looking out for the safety and will pull back when the bucking horse is in a position that will harm the trained horse, but will then reposition the trained horse to ride alongside the bucking horse and will reach over to release the strap causing discomfort... but the bucking horse needs to allow the cowboy to do so.
So my question is what kind of horse have you been and what kind of horse do you want to be? I’ve been like the horse that needs a little extra training and at times needs to be lead by the bridle, but eventually catches on. My prayer is God will now use me to come along side the bucking horse so He can ease their discomfort.
"For we know, brothers loved by God, that he has chosen you, because our gospel came to you not simply with words, but also with power with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction. You know how we lived among you for your sake. You became imitators of us and of the Lord; in spite of severe suffering, you welcomed the message with the joy given by the Holy Spirit. And so you became a model to all the believers." 1 Thessalonians 1:4-7
Monday, October 24, 2011
9 weeks and 3 days later...
Well, I'm happy to report my injury of falling down the stairs is almost 100% healed. I just saw the doctor/surgeon for the last time. I still have some limited range of motion, but with some stretches and exercise it will be back to normal soon. Same thing for my toe. Although he didn't give specific stretches, but just mentioned walking in normal shoes should stretch it out.
While trying to tell him how much better I am I tried explaining how my wrist is better than when I crochet and it starts hurting and looses range of motion. He asked more about that and in a nut shell would like me to hurry and heal so I can crochet and injure myself again so he can check it out. Yes, you heard me right, hurry up and heal so I can injure myself again! He thinks it's tendonitis when I crochet, but would like to examine me to make sure. As far as the injury to my wrist he said it was a bad sprain and didn't have anything to do with previous injuries or conditions.
I'm just thinking back to 9 weeks and 3 days ago and how sad I was and how I wasn't looking forward to the fact I was going to have to learn how to walk without bending my toe and learn not to use my left hand/arm. I wasn't sure how I was going to make it, but I have and I'm proud of myself. I learned to ask for help when I needed it and learned how to do things on my own when no one could help me.
I am proud of my milestones which include carrying a bowl of cereal and glass of juice to the table with one hand and limping the whole way. I'm proud I figured out how to bathe myself with minimal assistance (but I will forever remember Glaphre and Gina helping me the first night... and peeing on Gina... I am sorry about that! But if it makes her feel better it wasn't a lot and probably didn't get on her... well, hopefully). I'm proud I figured out how to drive one handed (but am very grateful for my dad who took me to school for the first month of my last semester in college). I'm proud of creating meals I could cook with one hand (but I am thankful for my mom who would bring me breakfast, lunch, and dinner in bed when it was hard for me to walk and cook one handed). I remember the first night I didn't wear the big boot to bed and how happy I was when I could sleep under the blankets without bumping my toe and it hurting so bad I couldn't sleep! I also had my birthday party where I thought I was going to have to cancel because I wasn't going to be able to put it all together, but family and friends helped and it was such a great night. I'm impressed I've been able to stay in my classes and will still graduate in December (assuming I can get my work done... I'm slowly catching up on those assignments that slipped by in all the hustle and bustle of everything). Overall, this was not something I'd want to do again, but I got through it and I'd like to think I'm stronger than I am on this end than when I first came to the beginning of it all.
While trying to tell him how much better I am I tried explaining how my wrist is better than when I crochet and it starts hurting and looses range of motion. He asked more about that and in a nut shell would like me to hurry and heal so I can crochet and injure myself again so he can check it out. Yes, you heard me right, hurry up and heal so I can injure myself again! He thinks it's tendonitis when I crochet, but would like to examine me to make sure. As far as the injury to my wrist he said it was a bad sprain and didn't have anything to do with previous injuries or conditions.
I'm just thinking back to 9 weeks and 3 days ago and how sad I was and how I wasn't looking forward to the fact I was going to have to learn how to walk without bending my toe and learn not to use my left hand/arm. I wasn't sure how I was going to make it, but I have and I'm proud of myself. I learned to ask for help when I needed it and learned how to do things on my own when no one could help me.
I am proud of my milestones which include carrying a bowl of cereal and glass of juice to the table with one hand and limping the whole way. I'm proud I figured out how to bathe myself with minimal assistance (but I will forever remember Glaphre and Gina helping me the first night... and peeing on Gina... I am sorry about that! But if it makes her feel better it wasn't a lot and probably didn't get on her... well, hopefully). I'm proud I figured out how to drive one handed (but am very grateful for my dad who took me to school for the first month of my last semester in college). I'm proud of creating meals I could cook with one hand (but I am thankful for my mom who would bring me breakfast, lunch, and dinner in bed when it was hard for me to walk and cook one handed). I remember the first night I didn't wear the big boot to bed and how happy I was when I could sleep under the blankets without bumping my toe and it hurting so bad I couldn't sleep! I also had my birthday party where I thought I was going to have to cancel because I wasn't going to be able to put it all together, but family and friends helped and it was such a great night. I'm impressed I've been able to stay in my classes and will still graduate in December (assuming I can get my work done... I'm slowly catching up on those assignments that slipped by in all the hustle and bustle of everything). Overall, this was not something I'd want to do again, but I got through it and I'd like to think I'm stronger than I am on this end than when I first came to the beginning of it all.
TWO thumbs up for TWO thumbs up!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Somethin' Pumpkin
I love the fall. I read somewhere people tend to like the season they were born in. I don't know if this is true for every one, but it's true for me. I love the cooler weather. You know, the kind where if you forget your sweater it's not a horrible thing, but you kind of wish you hadn't forgotten to grab it on your way out the door. I love the cool colors of fall. The way the muted colors say, "Why hello there, are you ready to eat something pumpkin and enjoy your day?" I love to walk into a restaurant and see how they've tried to incorporate pumpkin into a favorite dish and most of the time succeeding.
I love pumpkin flavored items and since my birthday is in September this is the start of pumpkin flavors on the menu. I like to think this is a happy birthday gesture from all my favorite places to eat - in which I say, thank you!
The one thing I don't like about fall is Halloween. I don't like the scary things everywhere. I tend to watch more of my DVD's during October than any other month because of all the scary themed shows and movies playing on TV. I just don't like Halloween. Well, not all of Halloween, just the spooky scary witches and goblins part. I do enjoy the fact one night a year you can go to your neighbors and ask for candy and they graciously give you some! I love the neighbors who give you a handful of the yummy chocolate candy and only kind of like the neighbors who give you a handful of butterscotch and candy corn... okay, so I really don't like those neighbors, but they do provide me with candy to trade so that brings them back up on my like scale. If I had my way (without being a mean lady) I'd give more candy to the cute kids dressed as super heros, princesses, clowns, cute foods, and any other cute costume and less candy to the kids dressed as mean witches, scary goblins, creepy zombies, and any other unpleasantly frightening costume. I'm thinking I'd have two bowls of candy one of yummy chocolates and the other of icky butterscotch and depending on the choice of costume I'd give candy accordingly. Then again, this would make me the mean lady and I'm sure I'd find unpleasant things thrown at my house, so I'll just stick with the yummy chocolates.
I also enjoy Thanksgiving. I love how I can have a plate of starchy foods and it's not odd. I love being stuffed so full I'm ready for a nap (no tryptophan for me! Unless it's added to tofurkey). I enjoy this is a time where family comes together, but I don't have to stress about presents for everyone and then if they will like their presents. Then again if my Christmas shopping isn't finished before Thanksgiving (really by fall) I'm a little stressed and am frantically thinking of what I'm going to do. Yes, I know, this makes me THAT person who is planning Christmas gifts in the summer, but let me try to explain where I'm coming from. First of all, I'm a very crafty girl and if I come up with something I want to make for everyone (like the fleece blankets for 8 family members or the crocheted beanies for 8 family members and a few extra for gift exchanges) I have to plan ahead so I have time to make them all. The other big thing is by starting early I can pace myself and I'm not hit with a HUGE Christmas gift bill in December. Bonus! Not to mention I'm not frantically going from store to store in the mad rush of Christmas shoppers. Double bonus!
Anyhow, these are the things I love (and a few things I don't) about fall. I'm now going to enjoy something pumpkin and enjoy my day!
I love pumpkin flavored items and since my birthday is in September this is the start of pumpkin flavors on the menu. I like to think this is a happy birthday gesture from all my favorite places to eat - in which I say, thank you!
The one thing I don't like about fall is Halloween. I don't like the scary things everywhere. I tend to watch more of my DVD's during October than any other month because of all the scary themed shows and movies playing on TV. I just don't like Halloween. Well, not all of Halloween, just the spooky scary witches and goblins part. I do enjoy the fact one night a year you can go to your neighbors and ask for candy and they graciously give you some! I love the neighbors who give you a handful of the yummy chocolate candy and only kind of like the neighbors who give you a handful of butterscotch and candy corn... okay, so I really don't like those neighbors, but they do provide me with candy to trade so that brings them back up on my like scale. If I had my way (without being a mean lady) I'd give more candy to the cute kids dressed as super heros, princesses, clowns, cute foods, and any other cute costume and less candy to the kids dressed as mean witches, scary goblins, creepy zombies, and any other unpleasantly frightening costume. I'm thinking I'd have two bowls of candy one of yummy chocolates and the other of icky butterscotch and depending on the choice of costume I'd give candy accordingly. Then again, this would make me the mean lady and I'm sure I'd find unpleasant things thrown at my house, so I'll just stick with the yummy chocolates.
I also enjoy Thanksgiving. I love how I can have a plate of starchy foods and it's not odd. I love being stuffed so full I'm ready for a nap (no tryptophan for me! Unless it's added to tofurkey). I enjoy this is a time where family comes together, but I don't have to stress about presents for everyone and then if they will like their presents. Then again if my Christmas shopping isn't finished before Thanksgiving (really by fall) I'm a little stressed and am frantically thinking of what I'm going to do. Yes, I know, this makes me THAT person who is planning Christmas gifts in the summer, but let me try to explain where I'm coming from. First of all, I'm a very crafty girl and if I come up with something I want to make for everyone (like the fleece blankets for 8 family members or the crocheted beanies for 8 family members and a few extra for gift exchanges) I have to plan ahead so I have time to make them all. The other big thing is by starting early I can pace myself and I'm not hit with a HUGE Christmas gift bill in December. Bonus! Not to mention I'm not frantically going from store to store in the mad rush of Christmas shoppers. Double bonus!
Anyhow, these are the things I love (and a few things I don't) about fall. I'm now going to enjoy something pumpkin and enjoy my day!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Nothing too exciting - just nail designs and amazing pizza recipe
I have a special nail polish where the brush is long and thin so it's easier to make stripes. I kind of went overboard and got almost every color under the sun (well, not really, but I do have a lot). My sister told me I could practice on her. This has turned into me painting her toe nails every few weeks and trying something new. The first time were Purple and Green cow spots. The next time she requested white and black cow spots (She likes cows in case you were wondering). This time her students (high school students by the way) requested purple with green polka dots. I'm wondering who will request her next nail design? I think the guy on the street might have some great ideas. :-)
For my nails I like making a plaid design. It's super easy, but looks so complicated and even strangers comment on my nails. This time after doing polka dots on my sister's nails I thought I'd do a mix of polka dots and plaid. While I was painting them my other sister commented on how they look like a princess design. I have to agree.
While being creative the other night I wanted to make my own pizza. While at the store I couldn't find pizza dough and was almost to the point where I wouldn't be able to carry my groceries into the house because my wrist was hurting from pushing the cart (I did my best one handed, but it's more difficult than I thought), so I didn't want to take the time to ask someone where I could find the pizza dough. At that point I figured I'd just take what I have and see what I could come up with. I had English muffins and figured if nothing else I could make English muffin pizzas. When I got home I was putting away my groceries and wondered if I could make a pizza with tortillas. I thought about how they'd flop around and wondered if I were to bake them first if they'd become firm enough to hold a pizza with toppings. After the first batch which tasted great, but had a few big bubbles, I figured out how to make the tortilla "crust" perfect.
Here's the perfected recipe:
Pre heat the oven to 400. Spray the tortilla on both sides with cooking spray (I used Pam because that's what we have). Take a fork and poke the tortilla about a million times - okay, you do not need to do this exactly, but it's fun to over exaggerate, but you do need to poke it all over to prevent bubbles. Bake for about 5 minutes or just before the tortilla is golden brown. While it's baking check to make sure no big bubbles form... if so, use your fork to poke it a few more times. When it's slightly golden add about three teaspoons of pizza sauce, but be careful not to go too close to the edge otherwise it will seep off while baking. Add a little mozzarella cheese (although I used cheddar and jack mix once and it was just as good), don't add too much otherwise it will cause all your toppings to slide off. I use about a handful (I have small hands). Add fresh spinach leafs in a single layer all over. Add onions (any type really, but I finely chop mine so the flavor isn't too overwhelming). I like green onions, but any will do. Top with feta cheese crumbles. Bake for another 5 minutes or until the spinach starts to look sad... take it out of the oven so the spinach can be happy. Cut into quarters and add some fresh avocado to each quarter and eat.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
I've missed shoes
It's been a few weeks since I've posted about my healing injuries. It's a little frustrating I'm not completely healed, but I've been told this takes time. I've tried wearing regular shoes, but each time I've regretted it. The other day I was anxious to get exercising and decided to go for a walk. Five minutes later I'm limping back home rethinking my ambitious desire to get some fresh air. After a few hours my toe stopped throbbing. I thought about walking with my Frankenstein boot, but my tennis shoe sole is shorter so I limp and I'm worried about hurting my knees. Hurt my knees or my toe... I'm not sure what is the worse of the two evils. I'm hoping very soon I'll be able to wear regular shoes and I can start exercising again.
As far as my wrist, every day it seems I can bend it more and more. I'm still struggling on picking things up and holding things with any sort of weight to them. I did notice the other day I held my cell phone in my left hand and it didn't hurt. That was an exciting moment for me. It's sad something as light as a cell phone could be such an accomplishment! I also tried sleeping without the brace, but like wearing shoes it was a little ambitious of me to do so. Apparently I move a lot in my sleep with a lot of clinched fists (Let me just take a moment right now and apologize to my future husband). Needless to say I'll wait on no brace while sleeping for at least another week.
Here's an interesting fact: I have a patch of black hair growing on my wrist/arm. At first I thought all the hair on my arm was black because it hasn't seen the light of day in eight weeks, but when examining my arm closer I realized it's a patch about 2 inches in diameter. I started plucking the black hairs, but then realized I'd then have a 2 inch diameter hairless patch on my arm... I stopped when I came to my senses.
This past week tried my hand at editing a video. My sister and niece asked how I painted my nails in a plaid pattern. I tried explaining over the phone, but they asked for a video. I knew this would be an hour long video unless I edited it down. I think I did a pretty good job for having no clue what I was doing. Now if only I could figure out how to post it here and I'd be set. I'm bummed I can't figure it out. I'm really proud of my first edited video. Maybe another day when I have more time I'll see if I can figure it out. Until then I'm going to dream of exercising without pain in normal shoes.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Cancer Free Mom
A year ago October 1st my mom found out she had breast cancer. We weren't sure what was going to happen in the next year and all processed in our own ways. Now a year later I'm happy to report my mom is cancer free. We're all very grateful it is a year later and besides a few doctors visits and therapy appointments all seems to be normal, well, as normal can be after cancer.
I wanted to do something special for my mom on this anniversary to celebrate the fact she's here to celebrate. At first she wasn't on board for celebrating and didn't see the significance to getting dressed up and going out. I finally coaxed her to get dressed (not nearly as dressed up as I wanted her to be, but then again wearing a ball gown to the mall isn't exactly appropriate attire) and out we went to celebrate being cancer free one year later!
I didn't have an exact plan of what to do or where to go, but I had seen on a cancer support website to celebrate with a charm bracelet. I then imagined a bracelet so full of charms to represent all the milestones she's reached the charms would hardly move because they are so jammed packed on this bracelet! I LOVED the idea! Then again, sometimes my ideas can be a little out there for my family to understand at first so I wanted to keep this a surprise until we were at the store. Unfortunately since I didn't tell my mom where we were going or what we were doing she was dragging her feet and the stores I wanted to go to had closed (why is a mall closing on a Saturday night at 8:00??? Wouldn't this be a night people could stay out later??? As you can tell I'm still a little upset the malls closed so early... and yes I said malls... as in more than one!). The only other store I knew was open just so happened to be at Downtown Disney and I knew it was going to be crowded and not some place to take a weary not-really-wanting-to-be-there-at-all-especially-all-dressed-up mom. In the end I think she was glad we compromised on the dressing up with a little sparkle on her new shirt and new pants so she didn't feel overdressed, but I still wore my non-ball gown dress and toned it down with the jean jacket (I will find an occasion to wear my ball gown though!).
Top row: "2011" - the first year since she found out she had cancer, "#1 Grandma" - well, that's easy to understand - the representation of her granddaughter and grandson, Armadillo - to represent the Texans (my sister and her family in Texas), Cow - to represent my older sister, Spool of Thread - to represent me, Dolphin - to represent my little sister
I wanted to do something special for my mom on this anniversary to celebrate the fact she's here to celebrate. At first she wasn't on board for celebrating and didn't see the significance to getting dressed up and going out. I finally coaxed her to get dressed (not nearly as dressed up as I wanted her to be, but then again wearing a ball gown to the mall isn't exactly appropriate attire) and out we went to celebrate being cancer free one year later!
I didn't have an exact plan of what to do or where to go, but I had seen on a cancer support website to celebrate with a charm bracelet. I then imagined a bracelet so full of charms to represent all the milestones she's reached the charms would hardly move because they are so jammed packed on this bracelet! I LOVED the idea! Then again, sometimes my ideas can be a little out there for my family to understand at first so I wanted to keep this a surprise until we were at the store. Unfortunately since I didn't tell my mom where we were going or what we were doing she was dragging her feet and the stores I wanted to go to had closed (why is a mall closing on a Saturday night at 8:00??? Wouldn't this be a night people could stay out later??? As you can tell I'm still a little upset the malls closed so early... and yes I said malls... as in more than one!). The only other store I knew was open just so happened to be at Downtown Disney and I knew it was going to be crowded and not some place to take a weary not-really-wanting-to-be-there-at-all-especially-all-dressed-up mom. In the end I think she was glad we compromised on the dressing up with a little sparkle on her new shirt and new pants so she didn't feel overdressed, but I still wore my non-ball gown dress and toned it down with the jean jacket (I will find an occasion to wear my ball gown though!).
My mom and I out to celebrate being cancer free!
Once we got to the jewelry store I told my mom what my plan was for the charm bracelet. At this point she was along for the ride and stopped dragging her feet and just went along with me. We walked through the store and I told her she could pick out anything she wanted, but it needed to be able to have charms added to it. I pointed out a few bracelets and necklaces (I wasn't sure if she'd prefer a necklace to a bracelet, but either would work). She then told me she had some bracelets like this she got on her Europe trip a few years back and didn't want a new one. I told her this was significant because this celebrates being cancer free. She then asked if we could just get a charm to put on the bracelet she's never worn. I figured if this is going to keep her in the store I'll go with it and pick out a few more charms than the one I was thinking of originally.
We started picking out charms and then she'd see one that was "for" one of my sisters, or "just perfect" for whatever. Next thing I knew we had half a dozen on the counter picked out and still looking for more! Here's what we ended up with and who/what it reminds her of:
Bottom Row: Butterfly - to represent new life, Red Rose - to represent new life, "T" and birthstone - to represent her husband, "A" and birthstone - to represent my oldest sister, "G" and birthstone - to represent my older sister, "A" and birthstone - to represent me, and "G" and birthstone to represent my younger sister.
She may decide later the top row might represent something else like the end of chemo or radiation in the past year, but she picked them because they reminded her of said people. When we saw the initials she couldn't decide between the character or initials with birthstones. I figured why not get both.
She chose what she wanted, but the only one I insisted to get her was the butterfly. I love the representation of the butterfly. I don't remember where I heard this from, but this is what I think of when I see a butterfly (real or image). The butterfly starts off as a caterpillar and then goes through a transformation in a cocoon. In order for the new beautiful butterfly to come out of the cocoon it has to break through the cocoon shell. It has to struggle to get free. This is not necessarily easy, but it is a must for the butterfly to get free. No one can do this for the butterfly because if someone were to cut open the cocoon to let the butterfly free it's wings would not be strong enough to fly and it would soon die. By struggling to break through the cocoon on it's own the wings are strengthened enough so when it finally does break free it can fly away and enjoy it's new life as a beautiful butterfly.
I figured my mom deserves a beautiful butterfly to remind her of the struggle she's been through in this past year to begin her new life as a strong beautiful butterfly.
When we left the store I think my mom understood what I was doing, but I wasn't sure what she thought. When we got home I knew she liked the idea and was excited for her new bracelet because in the time it's taken me to write this she's come in multiple times asking what chain to put them on and the order that would look best. At this point I tell her it's her choice, beautiful butterfly.
UPDATE: October 3, 2011
When we went back to get the charms put on my mom's bracelet a cast member handed me a button. I thought it was weird he was handing me a button, but figured why not take it. I thanked him for the button and then looked at the button. After I read what was on the button I put it on my mom. The button read "I'm celebrating being here!" (the cast member wrote "being here" on the button). I thought, "Man, I'm not even sure he understands just how exciting this button is, but I sure am glad I get to put it on my mom!"
UPDATE: October 3, 2011
When we went back to get the charms put on my mom's bracelet a cast member handed me a button. I thought it was weird he was handing me a button, but figured why not take it. I thanked him for the button and then looked at the button. After I read what was on the button I put it on my mom. The button read "I'm celebrating being here!" (the cast member wrote "being here" on the button). I thought, "Man, I'm not even sure he understands just how exciting this button is, but I sure am glad I get to put it on my mom!"
Here's my mom's button and the bracelet with all her charms
with plenty of room for many more milestones!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Must See Video
Be advised: Very graphic images. Very true images, but very graphic.
If I don't use my blog to share God's message then I might as well delete my blog. The following is a video that is a half hour long. If you don't have time now to watch it, please watch it as soon as you do have time.
<iframewidth="560"height="315"src="" frameborder="0"allowfullscreen></iframe>
I'm not sure if I did this correctly, so here's the link for you to go to.
If you'd like to talk about what you've just seen please send me an e-mail. I'd love to talk with you.
If I don't use my blog to share God's message then I might as well delete my blog. The following is a video that is a half hour long. If you don't have time now to watch it, please watch it as soon as you do have time.
<iframewidth="560"height="315"src="" frameborder="0"allowfullscreen></iframe>
I'm not sure if I did this correctly, so here's the link for you to go to.
If you'd like to talk about what you've just seen please send me an e-mail. I'd love to talk with you.
Oh Happy Day!
Today was a big day. I found out the results of the MRI of my wrist and had my interview with MeySen on Skype. What I was not expecting was another miracle from God.
Since the tsunami in Japan earlier this year I’ve tried to get in contact with people I know in Japan. I sent e-mails and letters to those I had their information, but I lost contact with those at the church I stayed at in Mito City. I contacted others from the San Diego team and they also lost contact. One day I remembered I had an e-mail address for a woman and her three children. I couldn’t remember her name, but have the name of her three children on the origami gifts they gave me. I wasn’t sure if the e-mail was still valid, but took a chance. I waited for a response and didn’t receive anything, but could have accidentally deleted it in my spam folder. Months go by and I’m pretty sure there is no hope to gaining contact.
While on Facebook I see a suggested friend with a Japanese name. I don’t recognize the name and the profile picture is a drawing. I then look for someone in common as a friend, but I don’t recognize any of her friends. I look at the schools or anything else Facebook would use to connect people. Nothing is the same. I have no idea why Facebook suggested us as friends, but I request her as a friend and figured why not make a new friend.
A few days later the friendship is accepted and her children are now listed (she’s new to Facebook and doesn’t have much information posted). I recognize the names of her children! I think this is the same lady I met in Japan three years ago! I asked if she went to the church I stayed at and she said yes and remembers me! I’m still amazed at this whole story. I have no clue why Facebook would suggest us to be friends and here this is the same woman I’ve been looking for! If this isn’t God working I’m not sure what is!
Now, for my doctor’s appointment. I’ve been waiting five weeks to hear what is going on with my wrist! I’ve tried to be patient, but have had many not so patient moments. When I got to the office the lady at the front desk said she didn’t have the right x-ray. I began to worry thinking the MRI results hadn’t come in and I’d have to wait longer. Then she asked about my toe and the appointment for that. I told her I didn’t have an appointment for my toe and nothing more was said since the first appointment. She then said they could see me for my toe today. I thought she was saying my wrist was not going to be seen, but just my toe. I began to panic and think how I’ve waited so long and I have to wait longer! Then she clarified what she was saying and said the MRI results are in, but they’d like x-rays of my toe to see if it has healed. Once I calmed down from my “oh my, please don’t make me wait longer” panic and realized they wanted to check everything I was good to go.
Once I got the x-rays and was in the room I was nervous for what I was about to hear. My mind was going all over the place from surgery to recovery to what these things would entail. When the doctor came in he barely greets me before saying, “Everything looks good.” He then went on to say there are two places he was concerned about, but nothing that would need surgery. In the area they were concerned about there was nothing he could see, but said there might be a small tear that they would need to take a camera and go in and check it out like a little surgery to clarify there is a tear; the therapy would be the same as if they didn’t do this surgery so we opted to just let it be. I’m now in a brace and still can’t use my hand for the next two weeks, but can gradually use my hand, but use pain as a guide. He also pointed out the position of a bone and commented on the way it was not equally apart from the other bones. He thinks this is from an old injury, but nothing to worry about. The only other injury I can think of is when I crochet my wrist hurts, but I don’t know if it is a bone not in the right place equally apart from the bones around it, but in the end all is good. Basically I’m not supposed to rotate my wrist and not lift anything over five pounds - if that much is even tolerable. As far as my toe I’m supposed to keep wearing the boot out and about, but can start wearing shoes when I feel comfortable (probably in two weeks).
As far as my interview I’ll find out about that in November, but I think it went well. Of course I’m thinking of things I could have added or phrased differently, but I always think things like that. I think I said what I needed and answered the questions to the best of my ability. When they asked about my wrist I told them I was fighting ninja elephants... but then told them I fell down the stairs. I’m thinking joking may not have been the best thing, but they did laugh and it wasn’t a real interview question but more like oh man what happened? I’m hoping they understood what I was trying to say and got a good sense of who I am and why I’d be awesome to work at MeySen.
Then as if this wasn’t enough to call today a happy day I got a check for the work I did for the state testing. Whoo hoo! Check in the mail. Interview done. Great injury results. Friend found on Facebook. Sounds like a happy day that will keep me smiling!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
I only have one hand and it's busy right now!
I'm glad I didn't miss class last night for the appointment with the surgeon, but man do I wish I had the results from my MRI! I also wish I got this stinky smelly cast off yesterday, too!
In the middle of the night I tend to take off my socks and sometimes other clothes, but last night was a first. I was trying to take off my cast! At first I thought my blanket was wrapped around my arm, but when I couldn't get it off my arm I tried harder to wiggle my arm free. It wasn't until I fully woke up I realized it was my casted arm and it wasn't going to get free. It was a disappointment, but there wasn't much I could do besides go back to sleep.
I think having my arm free is going to be so weird. I've kind of come accustomed to the limited use of my left hand/arm. My typing is a lot faster, but nothing like two hands. I've also figured out how to get myself ready with limited help. Although tying shoes one handed is nearly impossible that's what flip flops are for! I've also started driving by myself. My turning is not as smooth as I'd like, but the job gets done without any accidents or causing traffic. I'm sure the tiredness felt in my right arm will lessen as the muscles get used to driving one handed. One good thing about having only one hand is I can't be tempted to talk on the phone while driving because I only have one hand and it's busy at the moment. I have to be patient when my phone rings and wait until I'm parked to call them back.
I'm trying to be patient in finding out the MRI results, but even though it's less than two days away I'm going crazy at thinking about how I could have known yesterday! Monday is going to be a big day for me. I meet with the surgeon and then have my interview with MeySen! Hopefully it's a big day full of good news! I know at this point the good news for my wrist is unexpected, but I guess any news is better than more bad news! I guess I'm hoping if surgery is needed it is quickly scheduled and healing is quick. I am hoping more that surgery is not necessary and I can get started on physical therapy right away! I'm also hoping there won't be any other options too different than the ones I've thought of... like just amputating my arm and calling it done. As far as the interview I'm nervous and excited. I know it will be a while before I hear the "results" from that, but hopefully the good news of acceptance is offered quickly! Again, I'm hoping no other options will be offered. :)
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Fall Update
I've been asked by many about the healing of my fall injuries. Here's the latest news.
The original dates I had for my broken toe were four to six weeks. The second doctor said six to eight weeks. I'm not too sure why the difference in dates, but I think the earlier is the pain factor and the second is the complete healing. Needless to say come four weeks I was itching to drive (I tried once in the second week, but it wasn't a good idea). My parents are nervous to let me go anywhere alone because they want the option for me to pull over and let someone else drive. Although I do agree up to an hour in traffic to school might still be much, but I think I can make it to the store down the street.
I was so happy when my mom let me drive to and from the store on the four week mark! Even though I showed my mom I could drive short distances she still insists someone go with me. Needless to say I can't wait for four more weeks to pass by so I can drive alone and not need my parents to go with me. I can't remember a time since my first driving permit when my parents insisted I not drive alone (and for the permit it was only because the law said I needed an adult in the car). The day I got my license my mom didn't even tell me a time to be home or ask where I was going, but now at 28 I have to make sure someone can go with me everywhere and coordinate schedules. Common four weeks pass by quickly!
As far as the wrist I still have no idea how much longer until I'm completely healed. There are no broken bones, but the doctor suspects a tear. I had an MRI last week and will meet with the surgeon in a little over a week from now. The MRI experience was scary for me and having a panic attack in the machine where the slightest movement is not good was not a fun experience. I was okay at first, but once the noise got loud and I realized I didn't know how long I'd be in the machine the panic attack started. During the MRI I cried without moving. I guess crying without making noise my mom would require us to do when we younger also helps with crying and not moving. I can still hear her voice say, "You can cry all you want, but you can't make a noise." The trick is it's really hard to do and so you stop crying, but I've figured out how to cry with tears and no sound... I guess I was determined to show I was upset for whatever reason. While in the MRI machine I was asking God to comfort me and calm me. When it was over, about a half hour later I was glad to be done and grateful I didn't stop the MRI and have to come back another day.
The overall pain level in my wrist is still pretty high. I tried holding my laptop like a book in the crook of my arm the other day and was so sad to realize the few pounds was too much for my casted wrist to handle. It's discouraging to know there is improvement for my toe and see the light at the end of the tunnel, but not know anything for my wrist.
For the good news, thanks to the great invention of the microwave, I'm able to make myself meals. I usually don't use the microwave very often, but with only one hand the stove and oven are not the easiest to use. I use the toaster oven and microwave and have made some decent yummy dishes. I also got a lot of frozen vegan or vegetarian foods. The only one I don't like so far is the vegan bacon. The texture is like a mixture of play-doh and rubber and the flavor is a little too close to the real thing for me to enjoy, but a friend suggested crumbling it and making twice baked potatoes. I'll get back to you on that one, but here was a vegetarian meal that was yummy:
Microwaved cheese enchiladas, rice, and vegetables.
The day I meet with the surgeon I also have an interview with Meysen. This is my final interview and I hope I am accepted. Needless to say that blog posting will be one I'm sure everyone will want to read. :)
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
I Can Only Imagine
I Can Only Imagine by MercyMe is one of those songs that is more than a song to me. It makes me think of the goal I'm working toward and the prize I'll have one day. I love songs like this. I love songs that make me think long into the next few songs on the radio or my iPod. Can you imagine what is going on in my head when a string of songs like this come on? In those moments I usually have to put everything down and just worship the one who has created me!
While watching the music video for I Can Only Imagine again this morning (there are corny shows on JCTV, but it is a channel I flip to on a regular basis). Anyhow, while watching the video again I'm reminded of the cemetery where my grandparents are buried. Every few years my family will go and clean up my grandparents headstones. Here's a video of the latest trip...
Next to my grandparents are the infant and children burial plots. My grandma wanted to be next to the babies. Every time we visit the gravesite we walk around and take note of the ages. We try to find the person who was born the earliest (if I remember correctly it's in the late 1800's). We look for the person who lived the longest (usually over 100). We look for the newest "neighbor in the neighborhood," which is usually an infant. We'll look for spouses who are super old and wonder if they are still alive or have remarried and are buried with their new spouse (there is this one man who died in the 80's and his wife's birthday is engraved with "19--" as the end date. The comment of how silly we were to think the world would end in the year 2000 always comes up). We also look at the various headstones and comment on the pictures and images the family has chosen to remember their loved one by (usually a rose if not their picture, but we have seen sewing items, engineer symbols and other hobbies represented). In the baby section some families will fence off the burial plot with small garden fences and leave children's toys. As long as the items are in the fenced areas the grounds crew won't touch it (wilted flowers will be thrown away if left outside of the fenced off area, we've asked). For some of the fenced off areas we find all sorts of toys: teddy bears, trucks, cars, small McDonald's toys, garden decorations, and sometimes even food!
I've never lost a child (and pray I never do!), but to leave so many toys is sad to me. I understand the loss, but I'm sad because I wonder if the families know Jesus and will ever see their babies again? By the offerings of toys and even food I'm guessing not. Now, I'm not fully positive small children under a few years old are in heaven, but I know I serve a merciful God and would like to believe he would accept these babies to heaven even though they have never had the opportunity to ask for forgiveness of their sins and accept Jesus. This is one of those things people can argue about until the end, but for now I'll just keep living my life for God and see for myself when I get to heaven.
We clean the headstones of my grandparents because we remember our grandparents and this gives us an opportunity to remember the life they have lived, but for so many the gravesite is so much more. I get the feeling this is all they have to look forward to - a piece of land that holds the remains of their loved one.
I've never been afraid of dying because I know where I'm going and if I get to rock it with Jesus earlier than being an old grandma then sweet monkey love I'm rockin' it with Jesus! I wish everyone understood this point of view... it's such a peaceful one (with praise music playing)!
While watching the music video for I Can Only Imagine again this morning (there are corny shows on JCTV, but it is a channel I flip to on a regular basis). Anyhow, while watching the video again I'm reminded of the cemetery where my grandparents are buried. Every few years my family will go and clean up my grandparents headstones. Here's a video of the latest trip...
I've never lost a child (and pray I never do!), but to leave so many toys is sad to me. I understand the loss, but I'm sad because I wonder if the families know Jesus and will ever see their babies again? By the offerings of toys and even food I'm guessing not. Now, I'm not fully positive small children under a few years old are in heaven, but I know I serve a merciful God and would like to believe he would accept these babies to heaven even though they have never had the opportunity to ask for forgiveness of their sins and accept Jesus. This is one of those things people can argue about until the end, but for now I'll just keep living my life for God and see for myself when I get to heaven.
We clean the headstones of my grandparents because we remember our grandparents and this gives us an opportunity to remember the life they have lived, but for so many the gravesite is so much more. I get the feeling this is all they have to look forward to - a piece of land that holds the remains of their loved one.
I've never been afraid of dying because I know where I'm going and if I get to rock it with Jesus earlier than being an old grandma then sweet monkey love I'm rockin' it with Jesus! I wish everyone understood this point of view... it's such a peaceful one (with praise music playing)!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Couch Potato
I find watching TV a waste of time, but yet find myself wrapped up into watching hours and hours when I'm sitting here not wanting to work on schoolwork. I've watched more TV in the past three weeks than I have in possibly two years! Of course I have my regular shows, mostly reality/game shows, but depending on the week we're talking 1-4 hours and usually less! Lately, however, my normal TV time is consumed before lunch each day! What am I watching you ask? Nothing of importance: reruns of Friends, various shows on HGTV or Game Show Network (what can I say I love watching people win).
I know I own a lot of movies and love to watch them, but there is something about watching a video on DVD verses TV. At the end of the movie that's the end - there isn't another movie or show "coming up next." I get wrapped up in the next show and before I realize it I've been wrapped up into four shows and it's been two hours gone to the ever growing couch potato!
I'd like to say I'm just going to stop watching TV, but I'm not going to fool myself. I realize I'm spending an unusual amount of time laying here resting with nothing to do beside schoolwork and watching countless hours of TV. However, I am thinking of ways to limit my excessive TV watching by setting the sleep timer and then putting the remote next to my schoolbooks instead of right next to me. I'm hoping by doing this I will watch TV less and do schoolwork more. If you see me in the next few weeks (or possibly months) will you ask me how this new limited TV is working?
Monday, September 5, 2011
Happy Birthday to Me!!!
I had the genius idea to have a vegetarian potluck for my birthday. I love potlucks and the hodge podge meal that comes together. I love how everyone comes together for a great meal and fellowship, but it's hard when you're a vegetarian. Usually I'll have an array of potato salad... and I'm not a huge fan of potato salad. So, for my birthday I figured a vegetarian potluck would be fun.
When I got hurt I was afraid I was going to have to cancel, but fortunately the whole thing of being a potluck meant laid back and easy. I wasn't going to have a schedule or any big plans during the party. I figured we needed something to do beside eat and talk, so I used paper for the table cloths and set out crayons. I also used the clay I had for the class I taught last spring and figured that would be fun to play with.
When I got hurt I was afraid I was going to have to cancel, but fortunately the whole thing of being a potluck meant laid back and easy. I wasn't going to have a schedule or any big plans during the party. I figured we needed something to do beside eat and talk, so I used paper for the table cloths and set out crayons. I also used the clay I had for the class I taught last spring and figured that would be fun to play with.
The tables with the crayons and clay.
Glaphre posed for a picture while setting up.
The set-up crew waiting for guests to arrive.
The one thing I told my mom I wanted was Sage's pumpkin cupcakes. I didn't care about anything else, but these pumpkin cupcakes are AMAZING!!! I was so happy to have them. Thank you Sage for making your AMAZING cupcakes!
The most delicious cupcakes ever!
I've decided not to post pictures of anyone outside of my family in my blog unless I've had permission. I forgot to ask everyone while taking pictures at my party. Here's the picture of my family. Anyone in the background is blurred - especially the children at my party.
Coloring on the tables and playing with clay was such a hit. When two young men got home they told their mom my party was "REALLY cool!"
I love the messages left on the tables. This one read "To a very special lady - Alice - Happy Birthday!!"
Even as the other tables were being cleaned up, these kids couldn't stop playing. I LOVE it!
I had told everyone the greatest present they could give me was their presence at my party (I'm so bummed I forgot to get permission to post the pictures of us together!). So in lieu of the pictures I took a picture of the cards and gifts. I love the thoughtfulness of each card and gift. I realized when I got home we never got a picture of all the yummy food (including the dishes people sent since they couldn't make it). Just imagine a delicious assortment of wonderful vegetarian dishes.
I wish I could comment on every single gift, but I don't know how much longer I can type one handed, but I wanted to comment on the flower. My friend left it in her car and it started to wilt and look sad when she came back to it. She did the only thing she could do and watered it with her Pepsi and prayed it would revive to give to me. When I read her story in her card I started to cry thinking this is like my injury. I'm doing all I can with the doctors I'm provided, but the prayers are what is really going to heal me. Thank you to all my friends who have been praying!
This gift was the most creative for my cast. It's "cast bling!"
I love my creative friends and this is just one example of how creative my friends are!
Thank you to my family for all your help. Thanks to my friends for making my vegetarian potluck a success! I couldn't have planned it any better - well the cast (that looks like a whale eating my arm) could have not been there, but regardless it was a fantastic birthday!
Saturday, September 3, 2011
I'm trying to stay positive
This was me attempting to give my mom two thumbs up in my old cast, but I didn't quite make it.
It is very difficult to remain positive right now.
I had a doctor's appointment yesterday. I knew they were removing the cast to re-x-ray and I was hoping they wouldn't have to put on a new cast, but maybe a brace for the sprain/strain. I was hoping for no broken bones. What I was not ready to hear was the news my wrist is worse than they thought and I need an MRI to tell if something is torn. Then the big news came - the next step is to talk to a surgeon about the results and a possible surgery.
Yesterday the bad day didn't just follow me. Gina had come to take me to school since my mom was uncomfortable driving me the hour in traffic to school (which because of the pain of moving my wrist for the exam and the emotional stress of a possible surgery I ended up not going to class). When we left the doctor's office we decided to go to lunch (more like dinner - gotta love long doctor's visits). My mom (in my car with me) was suppose to follow Gina, but went out first and didn't have a chance to let Gina pass us. While waiting for a red light my mom was trying to calm me down because I was still crying because of the bad news I had just received when we hear a loud screech and a bang.
The light had just changed to green, but the traffic hadn't started to move. Apparently the guy behind Gina only noticed the light and not the half a dozen cars in front of him. Gina has whiplash and should be okay, but will be sore for a while. My mom's car (that Gina and my mom share) has a crunched in bumper.
Needless to say we were all frazzled when we got to the restaurant.
The only good part of my day was the hottie who re-casted my arm. While Mr. Hottie was getting the supplies for my cast he asked what color I'd like. I told him purple. A few minutes later when he confirmed I wanted purple I responded with, "Yes, please." He was taken aback by my politeness and went on for a good five minutes telling my mom how nice it is to hear the word please and how the kids these days just aren't polite and will just bark orders. At this point I'm focusing on not crying because of the pain and the news of possible surgery I don't realize he thinks I'm a teenager. When I mention missing class he asked where I go to school. I tell him and he's surprised I'm at a university. He then asks how old I am and I say I'm turning 28 on Sunday (which I had to look to my mom for confirmation because I wasn't sure what day it was!). He then asks how old I think he is and I wanted to say something like, "probably in my age range," but was not only embarrassed, but not really feeling up to any guessing games. My mom pipes up and says, "I'd guess mid 30's." He says, "Nah, I'm 53." My mom says, "Well, since we're playing the age game guess mine." He guesses 55 and she says, "63" with a smile on her face as if she's won a game. He then admits he's 35.
While he finishes with my cast he tells me how this new cast prevents me from moving my wrist at all. He had to wrap past my elbow and then cut out parts for the "wings." I was not happy I not only have a cast back on, but it is a lot bigger. I am grateful I can move my elbow. That's one positive thing to all this.
Here is the new, larger, cast Mr. Hottie put on.
Because of the wings holding my elbow I can't rotate my lower arm.
Occasionally I'll make a video for my sister who is out of state, but this one was taking forever to upload to send to her so I made her another video on the networking site. Here's the video incase you'd like to see what I can do with my new cast. You can ignore the other rambling if you'd like. I was just updating her on my hair since I shaved my head last Christmas in support of my mom's breast cancer (which she is now cancer free! Thank you God!)
I'm not sure why the sound is off from the video, but you can still see the restrictive movement.
With my old cast I had figured out how to do a lot of things by myself. With the new cast I have to relearn how to do some things. This next picture is an example of something I could do, but I'd have to figure out a new way because of the more restrictive cast (my thumb is more restrictive and it hurts to pinch my thumb to my pointer finger).
Here are my painted nails I did myself with a casted left arm (the camera is backward on my laptop).
My nails are clear with two silver stripes going one way and three red glitter stripes going the other way.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Super exciting stuff if you ask me!
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6
God is so good! I was concerned about financially being afloat this next month with the fact that I won't be working due to my breakage. My church took a love offering and what I was praying for was the exact amount that was given!
I then realized I had spent my gas money (plus more) on medical bills and had to dip into my emergency fund for gas money. Then all of a sudden a check shows up in the mail from my job from 3 years ago saying since I wasn't working with them here is the money I had paid into for retirement, but they no longer will hold it for me. We're not talking a lot of money, but it was enough for gas and dinner! Exactly what I needed plus a little treat and thank you to my dad who's been driving me to school!
I also found a check in my wallet that was postdated to last week from a month ago (when I'm not hurting for money I'll do this for people I work for on occasion, but usually I don't forget about the check). I then also get paid for a job I wasn't expecting to get paid for, but I'm grateful for the gesture. This afternoon my car starts to act up and I'm reminded I'm overdue for an oil change. I take my car in hoping the news won't be too bad. The cost of the oil change and repairs... you guessed it... the postdated check and the unexpected money from the job.
I know these things don't seem like a lot to be excited about, but I'm very excited about them! These are just a few examples of how God has been taking care of me... and this is just the financial side of it all. Can you imagine how he's taking care of me in the rest of my life?!? Super exciting stuff if you ask me!
God is so good! I was concerned about financially being afloat this next month with the fact that I won't be working due to my breakage. My church took a love offering and what I was praying for was the exact amount that was given!
I then realized I had spent my gas money (plus more) on medical bills and had to dip into my emergency fund for gas money. Then all of a sudden a check shows up in the mail from my job from 3 years ago saying since I wasn't working with them here is the money I had paid into for retirement, but they no longer will hold it for me. We're not talking a lot of money, but it was enough for gas and dinner! Exactly what I needed plus a little treat and thank you to my dad who's been driving me to school!
I also found a check in my wallet that was postdated to last week from a month ago (when I'm not hurting for money I'll do this for people I work for on occasion, but usually I don't forget about the check). I then also get paid for a job I wasn't expecting to get paid for, but I'm grateful for the gesture. This afternoon my car starts to act up and I'm reminded I'm overdue for an oil change. I take my car in hoping the news won't be too bad. The cost of the oil change and repairs... you guessed it... the postdated check and the unexpected money from the job.
I know these things don't seem like a lot to be excited about, but I'm very excited about them! These are just a few examples of how God has been taking care of me... and this is just the financial side of it all. Can you imagine how he's taking care of me in the rest of my life?!? Super exciting stuff if you ask me!
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