Sunday, October 16, 2011

Nothing too exciting - just nail designs and amazing pizza recipe

I have a special nail polish where the brush is long and thin so it's easier to make stripes. I kind of went overboard and got almost every color under the sun (well, not really, but I do have a lot). My sister told me I could practice on her. This has turned into me painting her toe nails every few weeks and trying something new. The first time were Purple and Green cow spots. The next time she requested white and black cow spots (She likes cows in case you were wondering). This time her students (high school students by the way) requested purple with green polka dots. I'm wondering who will request her next nail design? I think the guy on the street might have some great ideas. :-)

For my nails I like making a plaid design. It's super easy, but looks so complicated and even strangers comment on my nails. This time after doing polka dots on my sister's nails I thought I'd do a mix of polka dots and plaid. While I was painting them my other sister commented on how they look like a princess design. I have to agree.
Pink polish. Pink glitter plaid. Pink polka dots.

While being creative the other night I wanted to make my own pizza. While at the store I couldn't find pizza dough and was almost to the point where I wouldn't be able to carry my groceries into the house because my wrist was hurting from pushing the cart (I did my best one handed, but it's more difficult than I thought), so I didn't want to take the time to ask someone where I could find the pizza dough. At that point I figured I'd just take what I have and see what I could come up with. I had English muffins and figured if nothing else I could make English muffin pizzas. When I got home I was putting away my groceries and wondered if I could make a pizza with tortillas. I thought about how they'd flop around and wondered if I were to bake them first if they'd become firm enough to hold a pizza with toppings. After the first batch which tasted great, but had a few big bubbles, I figured out how to make the tortilla "crust" perfect. 

Here's the perfected recipe:
Pre heat the oven to 400.  Spray the tortilla on both sides with cooking spray (I used Pam because that's what we have). Take a fork and poke the tortilla about a million times - okay, you do not need to do this exactly, but it's fun to over exaggerate, but you do need to poke it all over to prevent bubbles. Bake for about 5 minutes or just before the tortilla is golden brown. While it's baking check to make sure no big bubbles form... if so, use your fork to poke it a few more times. When it's slightly golden add about three teaspoons of pizza sauce, but be careful not to go too close to the edge otherwise it will seep off while baking. Add a little mozzarella cheese (although I used cheddar and jack mix once and it was just as good), don't add too much otherwise it will cause all your toppings to slide off. I use about a handful (I have small hands). Add fresh spinach leafs in a single layer all over. Add onions (any type really, but I finely chop mine so the flavor isn't too overwhelming). I like green onions, but any will do. Top with feta cheese crumbles. Bake for another 5 minutes or until the spinach starts to look sad... take it out of the oven so the spinach can be happy. Cut into quarters and add some fresh avocado to each quarter and eat. 

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